Swift and Steady
We provide underlying
support for the
Japanese Physical

Japan is home to a vast, intricate physical distribution network. Various consumer goods, industrial goods and raw materials are transported through this network, enriching our lives and various industries.

These goods and materials are often placed on pallets, which when put together, work as a network foundation. If pallets are used efficiently through a pool system, they can help reduce costs and save resources.

Nippon Pallet Pool Co., Ltd. was founded with the full support of associated government offices, chambers of commerce and industries as well as physical distribution corporations, in order to realize this ideal. Our stock began being traded over-the-counter in 1997 and we were listed on JASDAQ (Japan Securities Dealers Association Quotation System) in 2004 as a publicly traded entity.

We will continue to provide a pallet pool system that enables corporate activities and supports environmentally friendly physical distribution.